Monday, July 28, 2008

Waiting in Miami


I was all ready and mentally prepared to fly away to India! And then my two flights both into and out of New York got canceled because of bad weather. So, here I am in Miami waiting to leave today.

My friend Francesca who will be at Shanti Bhavan with me for the first month is already in India. She emailed me last night about some sort of "getting gyped" situation, but anyways I think we'll be okay. Well, crossing our fingers ;).

Oh, and if anyone heard about terrorist attacks in Bangalore. Yep its true. Check out this article.

But you know know how i believe life is 10 % what happens to us and 90% how we react to it? So, i'm not worried about these "terrorists" out of the billion plus people in India, I am pretty confident about a bomb not hitting me...

I think it will be interesting and eye-opening to be on the side of the world where these things are not Hollywood mock-ups; where the people are actually dealing with these heart breaking attacks by their own people.

Finally, i will only be in Bangalore from the 30th to the 1st. Then off to Shanti-Bhavan, the wonderful school that i will be teaching at. I'm so excited to meet those children an walk with them on a path for mutual growth and self-discovery.

Until next time =)

1 comment:

Gabbie said...

tu mama esta llorando de la emocion. ya vamos a leer el articulo para ver que esta pasando en bangalore, pero tenes razon...a vos nada te va pasar. You will be fine and have a blaaaaaaast. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR CURRY SMELLY FLIGHT!!!! Gabriela (y tu mama que esta a mi lado)